Preliminary investigation plans and related comments:

* 北海道 [#p848e76f]
Please refer to the Japanese Tsunami Warning System at:

* Hokkaido [#p848e76f]
2011/03/11: Here is a damage survey for the southern coast of Hokkaido Island along the Sea of Japan (ports of Yoichi, Iwanai, Setana, and Esashi).  A Tsunami Alert* was temporarily announced in these regions after the main earthquake.  Water level rises were observed in these ports early in the evening, but the tsunami did not surge over the quays.  There were no victims, nor any damage reported to vessels.  The heights of the quays are known. 

* Aomori Pref. [#oa925f6e]

* 青森県 [#oa925f6e]
* Iwate Pref. [#xff2c891]
2011/03/14 (reported by Dr. Ogasawara, Iwate University):
- Traffic restrictions were placed on roads connecting to coastal areas from the inland (passage allowed only for rescue operations and disaster support teams).
- Repeated transportation between coastal areas and the inland is done by helicopter.

** Morioka City [#z9026be0]
2011/03/14 (reported by Dr. Ogasawara, Iwate University):
- Infrastructures (water, power, transportation, etc…) have mostly recovered, but food and fuel is in short supply.
- Major shopping centers will be closed tomorrow until further notice (03/15).

** Coastal Areas [#z9026be0]
2011/03/14 (reported by Dr. Ogasawara, Iwate University):
- Catastrophic devastation.
- No prospect of recovery for infrastructures.

* 岩手県 [#xff2c891]
** Rikuzen-Takada City area [#z9026be0]
2011/03/14 (reported by Dr. Ogasawara, Iwate University):
- 15,000 people are missing (city population: 23,000).
- The whole town of Otsuchi is devastated; no communication with the town is possible.
- The headquarters for disaster control is not functioning.

- 内陸と沿岸部との道路は規制中.
- 救助・支援のみ通行可.
- ヘリコプターによる沿岸と内陸との搬送が繰り返されています.

** 盛岡市 [#z9026be0]
- ライフラインは概ね復旧.ただし,食料・燃料の不足
- 大型ショッピングセンターも明日には販売中止になるとのこと.
* Miyagi Pref. [#j6d88be0]

** 沿岸部 [#fceb2741]
- 壊滅的な状況
- ライフラインの復旧のメド立たず.
** Sendai City [#m7f7963a]
2011/03/13 (reported by Dr. Koshimura, Tohoku University):
- (Situations in the city) Electrical power network is recovering, but the water system is still not working.  There are long lines of people in front of convenient stores.  Similar situation with gas stations, but fuel is scarce.  Conducting damage surveys are very difficult.  National Route 4 is congested but passable.  However, the access from National Route 4 to coastal areas is very poor.
2011/03/13? (reported by Dr. Sakai, Iwate University):
- According to a staff  member who was staying in Sendai and came back a little while ago, rental cars were not available (suspended).  Long lines were seen at gas stations along national routes connecting Sendai and Morioka.  The staff member had to hitch-hike back to Morioka.

**陸前高田 [#mdabeab1]
- 人口2万3千人中,1万5千人行方不明
- 大槌町は町全体が壊滅状態:音信不通
- 防災本部が機能していない模様.
** Natori River and Sendai Airport [#n1e01234]
2011/03/12 (reported by Dr. Koshimura, Tohoku University):
- The area between the southern bank of the Natori River and the northern part of Sendai Airport was surveyed.  This area is a flat plain, and the tsunami invaded it through an underpass of the Sendai-Tobu Road.  The tsunami reached 3 to 4 km inland.  The plain was still flooded by muddy water, with the depth being about 1 meter at approximately 3 km from the coast (the only measurement made in this survey).  Approaching the coast through this water is impossible. 

** Wakabayashi-ku, Sendai [#n751ffa4]
2011/03/12 (reported by Dr. Koshimura, Tohoku University):
- The tsunami reached the Sendai Tobu Road near Arahama in Wakabayashi-ku.  Damage is very serious.  The search for the missing is ongoing.
2011/03/13 (reported by Dr. Koshimura, Tohoku University):
- Afternoon near Okada, Wakabayashi-ku:  Entering from Prefectural Route 23 via the Sendai-higashi Interchange of Sendai Tobu Road.  The tsunami reached Rokuchonome-higashi on Prefectural Route 23 (4.5 km from the coast).  Water depths were measured along the road (about 1 m at 3 km from the coast).  However, we returned to the university after hearing reports of an increase in radiation at the Onagawa Nuclear Plant.

** Izumi-ku, Sendai [#xce15498]
2011/03/14 (reported by Dr. Minoura, Tohoku University):
- Electrical power network has mostly recovered.  Gas stations have been re-opened, but long lines for refueling were observed (one line of cars was around 2 km long).
- Food is scarce.  I could only get some snacks and one bottle of drink after waiting in line for 2 hours.  Drinks in vending machines are also mostly sold out.

* 宮城県 [#j6d88be0]
** Tohoku University, Aoba-ku, Sindai [#y524c674]
2011/03/13 (reported by Dr. Koshimura, Tohoku University):
- In the morning, had discussions about damages in the university and disaster control systems.
- The laboratory was completely destroyed, and everything is inoperative.  Servers were also destroyed.
- Electrical power is available only in the first floor of the Sougou-Kenkyu Building, where our activities are presently being conducted.

** 仙台市内 [#m7f7963a]
2011/03/14 (reported by Dr. Minoura, Tohoku University)
- The laboratory and my home are in terrible shape.   It will take a long time to clean up.
- Commodities such as gasoline are extremely short.  The fuel is being reserved for emergency vehicles, so I cannot refuel my car.
- The coastal area cannot be accessed because of rescue operations and heaps of debris.  Also, thick, waist-high sludge covers some places, which are too dangerous to enter.
- Electrical power network is starting to recover.
- Tohoku University has decided to close the school until the end of April.  Students were   ordered to return to their parents’ house.

- 市内の状況
- 電力は徐々に復旧しつつあるが,断水は継続中.市内のコンビニ等は市民により長い行列.ガソリンスタンドも同様で,入手はきわめて困難.調査の機動性はきわめて低い.国道4号は渋滞しているが通行は可能.しかし4号線から海岸部へのアクセスはきわめて悪い状況.
- 地震の際に仙台に滞在しており、先程ようやく盛岡に戻った教員の話では、仙台ではレンタカーの貸し出しが休止されており、さらに仙台から盛岡までの国道沿いのガソリンスタンドには長蛇の列だそうです。この教員は、結局ヒッチハイクで戻ってきました。

** 名取川・仙台空港 [#n1e01234]

** 若林区 [#n751ffa4]
- 若林区荒浜付近.東部道路まで浸水.被害状況はきわめて激甚.行方不明者の捜索活動が展開中.

- 午後:若林区岡田付近.東部道路仙台東インターを経て県道23号から入った.津波は23号の六丁の目東まで到達(海岸から約4.5km).道路沿いに浸水深を計測したが(海岸から3km付近,浸水深1m程度),原発関連のニュース(女川の数値が上昇しているとの報道)を聞いて一旦大学に帰着した.

** 泉区 [#xce15498]
-- ほぼ復電し、ガソリンスタンドも各所で再開しました。ただ、給油には長蛇の列。
-- 近所のスタンドも2kmぐらいつながってます。
-- 食料は殆ど手に入りません。2時間並んで、お菓子、ペットボトル1本のみ。自販機もほぼ売り切れ。

** 青葉区・東北大学 [#y524c674]
- 午前:学内の被害状況,災害対応体制について協議.
- 大学の研究室は壊滅的被害により全て使用不能.サーバ類も破壊された.
- 電源は総合研究棟建物1階部分のみが復帰し,そこをベースにして当面は活動していく予定.

- 研究室・自宅はひどい状況.当分は片付けに追われる.
- ガソリンなどの物資が極端に不足している.緊急車両優先で給油は困難.
- 海岸部は,救助作業が続いていることと,瓦礫の山で到底近づけない.また,場所によってはヘドロが腰の高さまであり,危険で入れない.
- 電気は復旧しはじめている.
- 東北大は4月末まで休校の方針.学生は原則実家に帰ること.