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* Invitation to Coastal Dynamics 2009 [#o93bbd1d]

&color(red){Abstract submission deadline is Jan.22, 2009};
&color(red){Full paper submission deadline is May 11, 2009};

The Organizing Committee of COASTAL DYNAMICS 2009 invites you to participate in the 6th International Conference on Coastal Dynamics to be convened in Tokyo, Japan, September 7-11, 2009.
// &color(red){September 7-11, 2009.};

&size(20){&color(red){Impacts of Human Activities on Dynamic Coastal Processes};};

COASTAL DYNAMICS 2009 will be the sixth in a sequence of technical speciality conferences bringing together field and laboratory experimentalists, theoreticians and modelers conducting research on the dynamics of the coastal systems. The multidisciplinary Coastal Dynamics'09 will be of interest to coastal engineers, coastal geologists, oceanographers, and related scientists. It should also be of relevance for coastal specialists and managers and all those interested in preserving coastal zones.  In Coastal Dynamics '09, emphasis will be paid to the impacts of human activity on dynamic coastal processes.

* News [#w2e56e75]
- 2009/01/25 A paper format for full paper has been uploaded at Call for Papers
- 2009/01/23 Abstract submission has been closed. We received more than 200 paper submissions.