The International Conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts (APAC) is an international conference to promote academic and technical exchange on coastal related studies that include coastal engineering and coastal environmental problems, among the Asian and Pacific countries/regions. APAC is jointly supported by the Chinese Ocean Engineering Society (COES), the Coastal Engineering Committee of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE), and the Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers (KSCOE). A wide range of organizations from Asian and Pacific countries/regions are its active participants or sponsors. The Conference is held once every two years.

APAC 2015 extended the series of biennial conference the first one being held in Dalian, China in 2001 by the name of Asian and Pacific Coastal Engineering (APACE). To reflect a broader scope, the conference was renamed to Asian and Pacific Coasts (APAC) and it was subsequently held every two years in different countries including Japan (2004), Korea (2005), China (2007), Singapore (2009), Hongkong (2011) and Indonesia (2013).

year venue
2001 Dalian, China
2004 Makuhari, Japan
2005 Cheju, Korea
2007 Nanjing, China
2009 Singapore, Singapore
2011 Hongkong, China
2013 Bali, Indonesia
2015 Chennai, India
2017 Manila, Philippines

Web page of APAC 2015 as of September 24, 2015.
List_of_Participants of APAC2015
Statistics of APAC2015

APAC Councils

Name Institute, Country
SUH, Kyung-Duck (Chair) Seoul National University, Korea
AOKI, Shin-ichi Osaka University, Japan
DONG, Gouhai Dalian University of Technology, China
DOU, Xiping Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute, China
PYUN, Chong Kun Myongji University, Korea
SATO, Shinji The University of Tokyo, Japan
ZUO, Qihua Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute, China

Two councils from China, Japan and Korea based on the tri-lateral policy of APAC.

International Steering Committee members

Name Institute, Country
CHENG, Liang The University of Western Australia, Australia
HSU, Tai-Wen National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan, China
HUANG, Zhenhua University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA
HWANG, Jin Hwan Seoul National University, Korea
KOSHIMURA, Shun-ichi Tohoku University, Japan
LEE, Joseph Hun-Wei The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
LEE, Chang Hoon Sejong University, Korea
LIU, Hua Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
LIU, Haijiang Zhejiang University, China
LIU, Philip L-F. Cornell University, USA/National University of Singapore, Singapore
SHIBAYAMA, Tomoya Waseda University, Japan
SUNDAR, Vallam Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India
SURIAMIHARDJA, Dadang Hassanuddin University, Indonesia
TAJIMA, Yoshimitsu The University of Tokyo, Japan
TAKEWAKA, Satoshi University of Tsukuba, Japan
YU, Xiping Tsinghua University, China
ZHENG, Jinhai Hohai University, China